Artist Roadmap #1

Projecting out past graduation, here is a rough version of my goals. 

1. Career goal- I have never cared too much about studio size or which type of industry I end up working. Partly because, they all sound interesting, and I enjoy experiencing new things. My personal growth and the things I end up learning are much more important to me. That said, I wouldn't mind being in any studio from indie to AAA to even theme parks and simulation. 

2. I am certain I want to be an Environment artist. I like the dynamic of creating all sort of different pieces of a scene and then assembling them. I work well with shapes and building out things, and I like how much goes into it. 

3. Top companies? Probably Iron Galaxy, Epic Games, Retro Studios Nintendo, Supergiant... this list will grow based on how my work develops based on the styles and workflow of companies. 

4. Here's a link to my Artstation - 

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